Friday, December 29, 2006

coffee no. 124

Yesterday I told him that I had just drunk one of my favorite drinks: cherry liquor with banana juice. In the evening he sent me a message: 'I bought cherry liquor and banana juice, and now I am drinking it. I wanted to feel the same taste as you. To be still closer to you'.

Friday, December 22, 2006

coffee no. 123

When people hear that my birthday is on Christmas Eve, they always say "oh, what a pity. Only one present..." No matter how many presents I get, they always know better: the only one, Birthday-Christmas gift.
It is so funny. When you are asked about your date of birth everybody nod and sometimes add "so you are a Cancer / Taurus / Twins" etc. When I say that I was born on 24th of December everybody shake their head "oh, only one present"...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

coffee no. 122

"A gift book should either be no surprise or a big surprise: the one you always wanted or the one you never knew you wanted".

from the article "The Gifts to Open Again and Again" by W. Grimes in The New York Times

Friday, December 15, 2006

coffee no. 121

Overheard in the cafe:
'I like coffee stains on my desk. And on the pages of my books'.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

coffee no. 120

Dante Gabriel Rossetti


I HAVE been here before,
But when or how I cannot tell:
I know the grass beyond the door,
The sweet keen smell,
The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.

You have been mine before,--
How long ago I may not know:
But just when at that swallow's soar
Your neck turned so,
Some veil did fall,--I knew it all of yore.

Then, now,--perchance again!....
O round mine eyes your tresses shake!
Shall we not lie as we have lain
Thus for Love's sake,
And sleep, and wake, yet never break the chain?

Saturday, December 09, 2006

coffee no. 119

You're searching...
For things that don't exist; I mean beginnings.
Ends and beginnings - there are no such things.
There are only middles.

Robert Frost, Mountain Interval, "In the Home Stretch"

Friday, December 08, 2006

coffee no. 118

My two friends and I were going by train with some nice guy in the compartment. He listened to our conversation, sometimes joined in, and laughed at our jokes and impressions concerning a trip to the mountains. After some time the man left to the toilet and we decided to write a postcard for him: "Dear Mister from the train. We enjoy the journey with you...", our signatures, etc., and we put it into his book. When we were aproaching to our destination, we said good bye and were waiting in the corridor for the train to stop at the station. A couple of minutes later, just before we got off, he run out of the compartment and smiling shouted, "Oh, thank you for the postcard". It was so nice.
I am sure that we made his day. And vice versa.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

coffee no. 117