Sunday, July 16, 2006

coffee no. 93

Like in winter I adore observing people's headgears, in summer interesting could be T-shirts, and sometimes other items of clothing.

The obese young girl in too tight white T-shirt anouncing: I'm too sexy for you.
Woman in her mid sixties wearing black, sequinned shirt with a huge pink inscription: Marry me in Las Vegas.
Old tired bum and his navy blue, unveiling the navel "Big Brother" T-shirt. The woman he is holding hands with is wearing normal jeans. Normal as long as you see them in front. When they are passing me I see golden letters on her bottom: Gangsta rules.
And the most bizarre. Not too lovely, but very in love couple. White new T-shirts with each other's photos. He is wearing "her" on his chest and vice versa. Photos like from their Identity Cards.