coffee no. 114
Strange looking guy gets on the tram. He is short and obese, his face is unnaturally pale and there is some kind of maddness in his eyes. I think that Renfield from B. Stoker's "Dracula" could look exactly like him. The man holds a book in his hands, and having noticed the very characteristic cover, I know that this is one of Harlequin romances. After a while Renfield takes a seat next to the place I stand, opens his book and starts reading. I can see that he has already read about one third of the novel. His chubby fingers with very long fingernails move restlessly. Some minutes later, after observing wet with rain streets, my eyes come back to the reader. What can I see? Renfield reads the last page of the book, smiling from ear to ear and sighing of relief. It seems that his romance ends happily. Thank goodness.
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